
Limited Edition prints are available in various sizes and can be tailored to suit different preferences. For those who prefer a traditional framed look, smaller sizes on paper are perfect for displaying in homes or offices. These prints can be easily placed in frames and will add a touch of elegance to any space. On the other hand, for those looking to make a bold statement in larger spaces such as restaurants or hotels, larger formats on canvas are ideal. The canvass prints not only provide a larger surface area for the artwork but also create a more immersive and impactful experience for viewers. Whether you are a collector or simply someone who appreciates art, these Limited Edition prints offer versatile options to suit your needs.


My limited edition print runs are each limited in their collective sizes and finish to only 100. Each print is individually signed, dated and numbered, and accompanied with a certificate of authenticity. Pricing of my prints are again determined by size and will vary between 20p and 30p per square inch, inclusive of VAT but excluding postage and packaging fees.